Timo Bierbaum

Born in 1966, Timo grew up in Vlotho (Ostwestfalen/Lippe), diploma in Hanover and living in Munich since 1998. He got his first camera at the age of 12, learning the basics of photography in black and white as well as colour laboratory work under the guidance of photographer Dinglinger (wet chemistry development of films and prints. Enlargements and retouching work in the laboratory). 1996 he graduated as Dipl. Ing. in Hannover and moved to Munich in 1998.
Since 2010 he runs the Fototudio B² in Munich Westend. Here he visually lets the best of people and products emerge. Many years of experience in the business environment and fluent English allow him to work professionally at the highest level in international environments.
His greatest private passion is travelling. As a teenager he toured all over Europe and at the end of his studies he had the opportunity to spend a year working in New Zealand. Since then, he has been travelling the world again and again. Apart from a trip around the world for a complete year in 2009, every year he photographically explores new countries and cultures.
Aside the passion for New Zealand, he particulary loves Australia, Canada and Namibia -mainly for animal and landscape photography. If you are interested in the less-commercial part of his passion, you are welcome to browse a little bit through his international travel gallery ;-). Occasionally there are exhibitions, which present different facets of his photographic work to a larger audience.